Freelance Job Hunt!

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Chat GPT can help you write engaging proposals for clients by generating personalized messages that are tailored to the job post and your skills. By analyzing the job post and your expertise, Chat GPT can suggest phrases and sentences that can make your proposal stand out. With its natural language processing capabilities, Chat GPT can also help you avoid common mistakes and suggest alternative wording to make your proposal more effective.

I need you to write a super engaging cover letter for a job post. You shall not start with "dear hiring manager'' or "dear sir/madam", but instead sound friendly, right of the bat. Be super engaging, friendly, and if you can be a bit witty, that'll be great. Make sure not to be too cheesy and start with the questions like "are you looking for...". You should focus more on the clients project instead of writing about my bio, expertise, etc. But it's good to mention those things, of course. Job post goes as follows: [Insert job post]
And here are some things about me, along with just some of my reviews on Upwork: [insert your CV, expertize or reviews]
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