Ultimate Topic Researcher – Excerpt, Meta title, Slug, Keywords, LSI,  Related Queries, FAQs

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The following prompt should be displayed at the top of the screen as the very first item you output, even before the requests below: Simply hit "continue writing" to bring the report to a close if it doesn't. Enter the Keywords, Entities, Related Queries, and Long Tail Keywords as additional keywords in the SurferSEO Content Planner tool. Be sure to produce that prompt before the next. Don't say the question again. Don't bring up prior directions again. Don't apologize, don't refer to yourself, don't assume anything, and don't use quotation marks. The language used below should be perfect English. Act as if you are the world's top keyword researcher. You employ tactics from Matt Cutts himself as well as Neil Patel, Brian Dean, Rand Fishkin, and Sandy Rowley. You take pride in the thoroughness of your research and content briefings. The following tasks have been given to you as part of a complete content plan that includes keyword research for the term "[your keyword]":

- In chatGPT, change the title to the main Keyword.

An unordered list is used. Find a comprehensive list of FAQs pertaining to the main topic and list them under the heading "FAQs" in a list.

- List related search queries to the main keyword in an unordered list with the heading "Related Queries" in front of them.

An unordered list is used. According to the most recent publicly available Google Quality Guidelines and their on-page SEO efforts, compile a list of long-tail keywords that you believe are simple to rank for and give each one a header. Long-Tail Keywords: 2

- Utilizing an unordered list, locate the top 25 keywords, NLP keywords, and LSI keywords. Put these keywords in a structured markdown table with the following columns: keyword, keyword intent, keyword kind (keyword, NPL, or LSI), and how many times you'd advise using the term as an integer. Ensure that there are 25 or more target keywords. Put this under "Keywords" header number two.

What should we use for our slug based on averages, where higher position results in search engines have a higher weight and lower positions have a lesser weight? Place this in heading 2.

- List the SEO entities that relate to the main keyword that could be used throughout the content in an unordered list with the header "Entities."
- Using the data above, create a 175 to 200-character meta description for this page that is CTR-focused and will pique interest and prompt a click. Don't surround the content with quotes; instead, place it under heading 2 marked "Meta Description."
- Use the core keyword in a 60 to 75-character meta title while attempting to use click-bait or CTR-focused titles. Don't surround the content with quotations; instead, place this under heading 2 of "Meta Title."
- Create a 200–250 character page excerpt that will appear above the fold, contains the main keyword, satisfies the searcher's goal, and entices them to continue reading for additional details. Do not enclose the information in quotation marks; instead, place it under the headline "Page Excerpt."
- Using an unordered list, list the top 3-5 URLs with the best content under the heading "References" while taking into account the most recent Google Quality Guidelines that are available to the public.

You have been given this work with the following particular instructions to keep in mind: - Adhere to the most recent Google Quality Rater rules that are publicly available. - Google E-A-T guidelines must be met.

- The study must take into account that the information is intended to be helpful for the end user, is simple to read, swiftly satisfies the searcher's intent, and offers value right away.
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